Main page/ The gastronomic code of kazakh culture / "Food/meal" as a phenomenon of national culture /AQ (WHITE FOOD)




Any white in Turkic culture is sacred, especially for food: milk and dairy products. Therefore, the first and most important wish of the Kazakhs in Nauryz – Aq mol bolsyn! (may the white be abundant). White in Kazakh culture was perceived as a variety of drinks, milk derivatives – kumys (mare’s milk), shubat (camel’s milk), airan (sour milk product): Dairy products were very diverse.

According to the traditional belief of the Turks, milk should not be spilled on the floor, but they used to sprinkle a manufactured object, for example, felt carpets.The Bashkirs considered milk and milk products as protection, and in Mongolian culture they served as offerings to the spirits – the lords of the area, the spirits of ancestors, etc. First and foremost, kumys belongs to the category of sacred drinks. In the epics it was said to have the ability to endow man with superpowers, and bathing in it enhanced the beauty of the steppe beauties. The first milking and the process of making kumys are marked in Kazakh culture by the three rites of spring “bie bailau”, “qymyq mūryndyq” and “aiğyr qosu”. These ceremonies have a distinct ritual character and their individual components reflect actions related to the belief in evil and good spirits, ancestor worship and horse worship (one of the manifestations of the ancient universal fertility cult).

A special reverence among all peoples of the world, including Kazakhs, used breast milk, it was endowed with magical, sacred properties. Therefore, in the wedding gifts from the groom included a valuable gift – “ana sütinin aqysy” (payment for the mother’s milk).

To the traditional white “Aq” refers to the ritual dish – nauryz közhe, which was prepared in the days of celebration of the holy holiday. The composition of this dish must contain seven (seven cult numbers) ingredients – water, salt, wheat flour, milk (airan or milk), qūrt (dry sour milk), cereals and horse meat (qazy). These seven ingredients represent prosperity and abundance in the coming year.

Шайгозова Ж.Н., Наурзбаева А. Б.
Краткая энциклопедия знаков и символов казахской культуры.
Алматы: КазНИИК, 2023.