Main page/ The gastronomic code of kazakh culture / "Food/meal" as a phenomenon of national culture /AUYZ TIYU




One of the manifestations of gastronomic etiquette is the Kazakh tradition “auyz tiyu” – to sip. It is practiced mainly in two cases:

1) before proceeding, it is customary to go to the revered elder to get a bata from him and eat;

2) when concluding business in a house, it is customary to eat, and if the owners are eating at that time, one should join them.

Refusal could offend the owners or become an occasion for ridicule, usually in such cases people say: See, your soul mate will leave you (husband, groom, wife, bride). Anyway, whoever entered the house was not allowed to leave it without a reward. According to D.M. Maddahi, Muslims generally treat other people with food and take a meal as a symbol of friendship, love and security for the one who treats and the one who receives treatment…

They believe that anyone who eats the bread and salt of another has no right to do him any harm, and eating this food creates a feeling of solidarity and love between them, so that they are connected by the bonds of hospitality, and the violation of these feelings is contrary to the customs and beliefs of the people [7, p. 2]. It seems that the tradition not only reflects the hospitality of the Kazakhs, but its meaning is much deeper and goes back to tengrian, to the ancient customs of the Turks to drink from the same cup, there is a single dish as a sign of unity and brotherhood.

Шайгозова Ж.Н., Наурзбаева А. Б.
Краткая энциклопедия знаков и символов казахской культуры.
Алматы: КазНИИК, 2023.