Main page/ The image of the kazakh khanate / The symbols of power and state attributes /CROWN




One of the most important attributes of the authority of the Kazakh khans was the crown, which, according to the descriptions, was decorated with precious stones, which in turn also symbolized power. Unfortunately, no information about these crown jewels has been found so far. According to the logic of the construction of the crown as a symbol of power, these stones should symbolize the idea of the magical power of the ruler and ward off his evil eye and all sorts of mischief.

Researcher A.S. Bimendinov [11-12], based on a variety of visual and ethnographic sources, suggested that the Chingizid conical island hat is a relic of the gold crown of Chingiz Khan and was perceived as a symbol of power in Kazakh society. As you know, such headgear (usually white or red) was decorated with a rich ornament (gold embroidery) in the form of a pole and plant ornaments. There is also evidence that such headgear was decorated with owl or owl feathers. An important detail noted by the researcher: When the visible characters of the headdress are cut out and spread on a surface, all four trees are arranged in such a way that the material in which the patterns are present becomes a banner of the Kazakh Chingizids [11, p. 117]. That is, it is safe to say that the visual images (decor) of flags and hats are identical.

According to J. Kundakbayeva, gold, gold and red predominated in the decoration of the ceremonial place. These colors triggered associations associated with authority in the worldview of the nomads and were signs of high and significant meaning [13, p. 33]. Thus, the crown or its later variant, the conical headdress, carried the idea of the divinity of the ruler, which was expressed in the language of ornaments, colors and shapes.

Шайгозова Ж.Н., Наурзбаева А. Б.
Краткая энциклопедия знаков и символов казахской культуры.
Алматы: КазНИИК, 2023.