Main page/ The world of nature as a system of signs / Flora /MEADOWSWEET




In Turkic culture, meadowsweet is considered a cult plant. It is one of the most revered sacred shrubs of all Turks, including the Kazakhs, and is mentioned in many folk traditions. It was believed that meadowsweet was a mediator between worlds and facilitated the transition from one world to another, which is why it was placed in the hands of the deceased. For example, Chuvash: “… in the left hand of the deceased put a stick of meadowsweet, and if there is no meadowsweet, then the rosehip, and if that does not work, then give a stalk of wormwood. But meadowsweet is most preferred because it is like a strong tree – the most reliable means of driving away evil spirits. For this purpose it is given on the dead needle. “That is why every Chuvash tries to always have meadowsweet in the house” [6, pp. 233-234].Kazakh name “tobylğy”. It is popularly believed to have magical properties to drive away evil spirits, which is confirmed by the making of a kamcha handle from meadowsweet, and kamcha is one of the obligatory attributes of Kazakh baqsy practise.

In spring, during the celebration of the first kumys, kübi – special dishes for the fermentation of the drink – are smoked with meadowsweet. Burning meadowsweet produces a pleasant, dense aroma. People believe that the smoke of meadowsweet gives a special flavour to kumys. Perhaps the use of meadowsweet in this practical act is the seal of the belief that the spirit of the tree passes to the prepared drink.

Шайгозова Ж.Н., Наурзбаева А. Б.
Краткая энциклопедия знаков и символов казахской культуры.
Алматы: КазНИИК, 2023.